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Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Tulisan kewirausahaan minggu ke 4

Nama : Rafika Paramita Riztanto
Kelas : 2DA02
Tulisan kewirausahaan minggu ke 4

Interview atau wawancara adalah percakapan yang dilakukan antara dua orang mengenai sesuatu hal. baik itu wawancara dalam pencarian kerja, wawancara antara artis dengan jurnalis dan sebagainya. Sebagai seorang jurnalist, harus mengetahui apa-apa hal yang akan di pertanyakan kepada pihak lawan.
Berikut saya beri contoh mengenai Interview antara seorang journalist dengan pengusaha dalam bahasa inggris.

Below is an interview between a journalist and a business woman from The Beuty company (as Rafika) , The jornalist is collecting information for her article called “To be succes with Mrs. The Beuty).
Journalist         : “Hello, Good afternoon.”
Rafika             : “Hello, Good afternoon.”
Journalist         : “How are you ? thank you for coming today and sorry ... maybe I am   interfering you now.”
Rafika             : “I’m fine,
                          Oh .. No problem, I’m not busy today.”
Journalist         : “hem... Could I know ? what do you do?, so You’re not busy today?, ”
Rafika             : “As a busines woman , I don’t always have to work everyday, I usually manage my time to work and relax too.”
Journalist         : “wow, How do you manage your time everyday?, maybe you can tell your tips for me or everyone  ? .”
Rafika             : “for managing my time isn’t easy, Ok, I want to tell you about how to manage my time  . First I always make a list of the tasks that I need to accomplish, Second Focus on my first productive time of day , and the last I usually take a break a few hours to clear my mind and refresh myself, like holiday or meet my family.”
Journalist         : “Wow, maybe I can do that in my life , can I?
Rafika             :”Yes , you can, But remember you must do that everyday...”
Journalist         : “Ok. And How do you manage your sleep time?”
Rafika             : “For managing my sleep time , I always sleep for seven or eight hours every night. Because it helps me to keep energic in the morning and I can think clearly, if I sleep early.”
Journalist         : “Hem... yes ,I agree with you. And could I know? When do you have full schedule in your day?”

Rafika             : “Hem... I think, I always have full schedule on sunday.”
Journalist         : “How come?, on Sunday is the day that you can holiday ,Isn’t it?”
Rafika             : “Yes, you’re right, I usually holiday with my family on sunday”
Journalist         : “so, How can you be busy on Sunday? “
Rafika             : “Because you know, I am always busy everyday, so on sunday I must be concerned with my family,and on Sunday I always go to the place that my grandson wants and I often go to the park in the Jakarta city.”
Journalist         : “hem... I understand, and Yes, sometime we need to relax. What do you always do in the park ?”
Rafika             : “I always go to the picnic with my family , but I don’t know, Why my grandson always wants to go to the park in the Sunday.”
Journalist         :”Hem... maybe , Your grandson likes that park?”
Rafika             : “Hem, yes... it’s probably”
Journalist         : “hem, could I know?  what do you always do in your company?”
Rafika             :”I usually think to make other cosmetic product.”
Journalist         : “and I want to know, What is your inspiration to build The Beuty’s company?”
Rafika             : “My inspiration is every girls in the world.”
Journalist         :”Why?”
Rafika             :”because I always hear, Every girls in the world always doesn’t believe about their beauty. Sometime ,They say “I am not beautiful” or “I am ugly” or “I’m not convident with my face” or everything. And you know , a few girls aren’t convident with their natural beauty, So I want to make a cosmetic to every girls in the world and I want the Cosmetic that they use will make them to convidents.”
Journalist         : “hem... so, is every girls more beautiful with using your cosmetic or not ?”
Rafika             : “The Beauty isn’t in your face,your eyes,your lips, your body, or everything in the body, but I stil believe the beauty is in the heart. If they always say “I’m beautiful” not “I’m not beautiful” without use cosmetic , they will be beautiful and it is same, if they use my cosmetic or other cosmetic with think “I’m beautiful” and using their heart to do good something, They will be more beautiful.”
Journalist         : “hem, yes , I agree with you again.and , How do you make your company to be succes ? “
Rafika             : “I always manage my time to my company, and to my family , manage my lawyer , and always do the best for girls in the world.”
Journalist         : “do you want to give a tips for every girls who uses your cosmetic?”
Rafika             :”yes, of corse. To be a beautiful girl, you shouldn’t think about “am I beautiful?” but you should show your beautiful in  your heart and I hope every girls can be more beautiful if they use my cosmetic product.”
Journalist         :”Thank you about your tips , and I hope your The Beuty company can be the best in the world.”
Rafika             : “Yes, You’re welcome.”

Semoga bermanfaat! ^^

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